Genome-Centric Multimodal Data Integration in Personalised Cardiovascular Medicine.


EURECOM is one of the leading French engineering schools and a founding member of the SophiaTech Campus in Sophia Antipolis, the largest Computer Science and Technology campus in Alpes-Maritimes region in France. The Data Science department of EURECOM brings its world-renowned expertise and reputation in the field of statistical machine learning, data and knowledge management. The Data Science department is a founding member of the “Region SUD” Artificial Intelligence cluster, which was recently recognized by the French government as a cluster of excellence (3IA), and collaborates with various industrial and academic partners on harmonizing and coordinating activities around AI and data/knowledge management,

Raja Appuswamy, an Assistant Professor in the Data Science department, will be the principal coordinator from EURECOM. At EURECOM, he leads the Data Systems research group that focuses on overcoming algorithmic and systems challenges in storing and processing extreme data in various application domains. In NextGen, Raja Appuswamy will collaborate with partners in developing open, standards-based accelerated secondary and tertiary genomic analysis pipelines that can overcome performance bottlenecks faced by hospitals and research institutions in analyzing genomic data at scale.